導引養生功 - 顺季节健身 按经络运动
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长夏 - 1 & 3 : 2025-01-16 - 2025-02-02
晨: 晨練:和胃健脾功- 第二套, 疏筋壮骨功, 導引養生功十二 法 37‘48“
晚: 晚練:八段錦,和胃健脾功- 第二套, 養生築基功 39’08”
晨: 晨練:和胃健脾功- 第二套, 疏筋壮骨功, 導引養生功十二 法 37‘48“
晚: 晚練:八段錦,和胃健脾功- 第二套, 養生築基功 39’08”
2025, 仍然以筑健康为主
3月27日至31日 中国河北唐山 亮点:杨柏龙教授将亲自教学
详情: 国际导引养生功联合会 中文 English
✅第 11 届世界健身气功交流比赛大会
7月21日 至27 日 加拿大温哥华 亮点:开幕式将在列治文奥林匹克体育中心举行
详情: 世界健身气功交流比赛大会 中文 English
9月13日 加拿大多伦多
3月27日至31日 中国河北唐山 亮点:杨柏龙教授将亲自教学
详情: 国际导引养生功联合会 中文 English
✅第 11 届世界健身气功交流比赛大会
7月21日 至27 日 加拿大温哥华 亮点:开幕式将在列治文奥林匹克体育中心举行
详情: 世界健身气功交流比赛大会 中文 English
9月13日 加拿大多伦多
✅ The First Exchange Conference of the International DaoYin YangShengGong Federation
Tangshan Qian'an, Hebei, China 2025-03-27 ~ 30 Detail
✅ The 11th World Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange Vancouver · 2025-07-21~ 27 Detail
✅ World Health Qigong Day Live Broadcast Toronto 2025-09-13
Tangshan Qian'an, Hebei, China 2025-03-27 ~ 30 Detail
✅ The 11th World Health Qigong Tournament and Exchange Vancouver · 2025-07-21~ 27 Detail
✅ World Health Qigong Day Live Broadcast Toronto 2025-09-13
Kathy Bai, Xin Ying, Tracy Chen, Yanxiang Li, Lily Li, David Xie , Nicholas Chen, Sandy Kennedy
Fountain of Youth Qi received the Markham Union Village Outstanding Achievement Award from Member of Parliament Paul Chiang
Kathy Bai, Xin Ying, Tracy Chen, Yanxiang Li, Lily Li, David Xie , Nicholas Chen, Sandy Kennedy
Fountain of Youth Qi received the Markham Union Village Outstanding Achievement Award from Member of Parliament Paul Chiang
桉季练功 之《和胃健脾功》2025-01-16~ 02-02 关于补脾胃:四季 补脾
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the transitional period between seasons is an ideal time to nourish and strengthen the spleen and stomach, supporting overall health and vitality. From January 16 to February 2, 2025, we will focus on the practice of “Harmonizing the Stomach and Strengthening the Spleen.”
桉季练功 之《和胃健脾功》2025-01-16~ 02-02 关于补脾胃:四季 补脾
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the transitional period between seasons is an ideal time to nourish and strengthen the spleen and stomach, supporting overall health and vitality. From January 16 to February 2, 2025, we will focus on the practice of “Harmonizing the Stomach and Strengthening the Spleen.”