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The First Exchange Conference of
the International DaoYin YangShengGong Federation
[八段锦]的编辑者 - 杨柏龙教授
[少儿八段锦]的编创者 -胡晓飞教授
及导引养身功编创者长子 - 张玉松
亮点:[八段锦]的编辑者 - 杨柏龙教授;[少儿八段锦]的编创者 -胡晓飞教授;
及导引养身功编创者长子 - 张玉松将现场教学
规 程 規程(増添了補充通知的内容).docx
亮点:杨柏龙教授将亲自教学 一、主办单位:国际导引养生功联合会 二、协办单位:北京体育大学导引养生中心 三、大会日期:2025年3月27日~30日 四、大会地点: 唐山迁安九江体育馆 五、比赛项目 (一)集体项目 1、导引养生功十二法(缩编版) 2、导引保健功(第一套) 3、形体诗韵(导引养生功之歌) (二)个人项目 1、健身气功八段锦(缩编版) 2、导引养生功十二法(缩编版) 3、形体诗韵(导引养生功之歌) 4、舒心平血功(第一套) 5、益气养肺功(第一套) 6、导引保健功(第一套) 7、养生太极掌(第一套) 8、养生太极扇(第一套) (三)个人表演项目 比赛项目以外的导引养生功 功法均可。 详情: 中文 English 【规程补充说明】 国际导引养生功联合会第一届交流大会 1、培训参加者,有资格申请“国际导引养生功”段位: 三场培训参加者,通过考核后,将获得资格申请国际导引养生功 一至三段位(费用另付)。段位标准正在更新汇总完善中。 2、 ¥ 600是三场培训费。三场培训都参加才有资格(招待)出席联合会成立庆祝晚宴。 3、甲组(65岁以上,1960年3月30以前出生)乙组(1960年3月29日以后出生) |
The First Exchange Conference of
the International DaoYin YangShengGong Federation I. Organizer: International Daoyin YangShengGong Federation II. Co-organizer:Beijing Sports University DaoYin YangSheng Center III. Conference date: March 30 of 2025 (Sunday) IV. Conference address: Tangshan Qian'an Jiujiang Gymnasium V. Competition items (I) Team event 1.DaoYinYangShengGong 12 moments (abridged version) 2.DaoYinBaoJianGong(first set) 3.Poetic rhyme of body (the song of DaoYinYangShengGong) (II) Personal event 1. Eight-section brocade of Qigong for health-preserving exercises (abridged version) 2. DaoYinYangShengGong 12 movments(abridged version) 3. Poetic rhyme of body (the song of DaoYinYangShengGong) 4. Heart-soothing and blood-calming exercises (first set) 5. Qi-invigorating and lung-nourishing exercises (first set) 6. DaoYinBaoJianGong(first set) 7. YangSheng Tai Chi palm (first set) 8. YangSheng Tai Chi fan (first set) (III) Individual Performance: Any exercises other than those in the competition items are acceptable. detail: English [Supplementary Explanation of Procedures] The First Exchange Conference of the International Federation of DaoYinYangShengGong preserving Exercise 1. Training participants who are eligible to apply for the "International DaoYinYangShengGong" rank: After passing the assessment, the participants of the three training sessions will be qualified to apply for the International DaoYinYangShengGong Levels 1 to 3 (fee required). The standards for the levels are being updated and refined. 2. ¥600 is the fee for all three training sessions. Only those who attend all three training sessions are eligible to (host) attend the celebration dinner for the founding of the federation. 3. Group A (over 65 years old, born before March 30, 1960) Group B (born after March 29, 1960) |