顺季节健身 按经络运动
領悟一份流傳千年的智慧 學習一項靈韻優雅的運動
瞭解一些自我調養的方法 收穫一次優化生命的體驗
多伦多专业教授八段锦 自从2013年
每个年龄段,都有它的精彩 每个举动,都有自己的风彩
太极韵 - 加拿大導引養生功培訓中心
2013年,太極韻成立,其宗旨是推廣導引養生功。 導引養生功起源於中國最高的體育院校——北京體育大學。由著名武術家、健康專家張廣德教授所創。這套功法結合了傳統中醫和現代醫學理論。臨床研究表明,這些運動對治療和預防多種疾病具有積極作用。 2017年,太極韻被導引養生功編創者,北京體育大學張廣德教授授權為加拿大唯一導引養生功培訓中心。 2018年,太極韻創始人劉小巨,被導引養生功編創者張廣德教授接受為入室弟子,成為八段錦編輯組組長楊柏龍教授的同門師兄妹。 2019年,太極韻參加墨爾本國際健身氣功比賽,獲得一金一銀六銅的成績。 2020年初,我們建立了線上導引養生功每天早晚免費練功, 帶領社區成員坚持天天練習功法。 2022年,參加北京體育大學第十五屆國際導引養生功比賽,獲得「最佳協會獎」、金獎7項、銀獎7項、銅獎7項、個人優秀表現獎1項。值得我們驕傲的是,在獲得的七項金獎中,有五項是金獎中的第一名。 多伦多专业教授八段锦 自从2013年 |
Brief description/history of Fountain of Youth Qi:
Our Mission: To foster a happier and healthier community by sharing the teachings of Daoyin Yangsheng Gong (DYG). Daoyin Yangsheng Gong is a comprehensive practice that integrates physical movement, breathing techniques, and meditation to promote health and longevity. This practice is well-known for its numerous health benefits. Clinical studies have demonstrated the positive effects of these exercises in both the treatment and prevention of various diseases. In 2024, two seniors’ associations joined us as branches, and four other associations co-organized the International Health Qigong Day world broadcast. We offer a wide range of daily activities, including classes, practices, workshops, seminars, and meetings, across multiple cities (Toronto, North York, Scarborough, Markham, Richmond Hill) and languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, English, French and Spanish) for all age groups. These activities are available both online (via Zoom and Google Meet) and in-person. Our YouTube channel has garnered over 120,000 views, and our presence on other social media platforms is growing rapidly. In 2023, we received the Markham Board of Trade Award and the York Region Volunteer Connect Award. We also participated in the International Health Qigong Federation's World Health Qigong Day live broadcast, receiving positive feedback from participants, Markham city councillors, and the International Health Qigong Federation. Additionally, we hosted a successful event at Markham City Center, which significantly motivated and engaged the local community. In 2022, we took part in the Beijing 15th International Daoyin Health Exercise Competition, where we won the "Best Association Award," along with seven Gold Awards, seven Silver Awards, seven Bronze Awards, and an Outstanding Individual Performance Award. In April 2020, we launched an online Daoyin Health Exercise program, offering free morning and evening sessions to lead community members in these exercises. In 2019, Fountain of Youth Qi participated in the Melbourne International Health Qigong Competition, earning one gold, one silver, and six bronze medals. In 2017, Fountain of Youth Qi was officially authorized by Professor Zhang Guangde as the Canadian Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Training Center. In 2013, Fountain of Youth Qi was established with the mission to promote Daoyin Yangsheng Gong. |